B2: Self-organisation of sub-micrometer surface structures stimulated by microplasma generated reactive species and short-pulsed laser irradiation
Principal Investigators: M. Böke, J. Golda
![]() Schulz-von der Gathen, Volker (Principal Investigator) |
![]() Böke, Marc (Principal Investigator) |
![]() Steuer, David (PhD) |
![]() Chur, Sascha (PhD) |
![]() Golda, Judith (Principal Investigator) |

The efficiency of catalysts is strongly dependent on their surface structures and its chemical state. This project is aiming at the plasma-laser induced modification and creation of microstructured, reactive surfaces that can be used in catalysis. Based on plasma-generated reactive species and the knowledge of generation and destruction mechanisms in the effluent, we tailor density distributions and fluxes of reactive species to surfaces, that are simultaneously (self-organised) structured by laser irradiation. Active and passive optical methods are applied to investigate the plasma kinetics and fluence of reactive species to surfaces. Ex-situ diagnostics complete the picture by investigation the surface properties down to the level of chemical states, its struture and catalytic performance.
- Energy efficiency of reactive species generation in radiofrequency atmospheric pressure plasma jets driven by tailored voltage waveforms in He/O2 mixtures
M. Vass, D. Schulenberg, Z. Donkó, P. Hartmann, D. Steuer, M. Böke, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, I. Korolov, Th. Mussenbrock, J. Schulze
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 33, 11LT01 (2024)
Repository: https://rdpcidat.rub.de/node/1052 - Self-organising sub-µm surface structures stimulated by microplasma generated reactive species and short-pulsed laser irradiation Laser-Plasma-Interaction
S. Chur, L. Kulik, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, M. Böke, J. Golda
ACS Omega 9, 29234-29243 (2024) - Comparison of CO production and Escherichia coli inactivation by a kHz and a MHz plasma jet
E. Mestre, I. Orel, D. Henze, L. Chauvet, S. Burhenn, S. Dozias, F. Brulé-Morabito, J. Golda, C. Douat
Plasma Process Polym. 21, e2300182 (2024) - Local enhancement of electron heating and neutral species generation in radio-frequency micro-atmospheric pressure plasma jets: the effects of structured electrode topologies
Y. Liu, M. Vass, G. Hübner, D. Schulenberg, T. Hemke, L. Bischoff, S. Chur, D. Steuer, J. Golda, M. Böke, J. Schulze, I. Korolov, T. Mussenbrock
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 32, 025012 (2023) - State enhanced actinometry in the COST microplasma jet
D. Steuer, H. van Impel, A. R. Gibson, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, M. Böke, J. Golda
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31, 10LT01 (2022)
Repository: https://rdpcidat.rub.de/node/563 - The effects of the driving frequencies on micro atmospheric pressure He/N2 plasma jets driven by tailored voltage waveforms
G. Hübner, L. Bischoff, I. Korolov, Z. Donkó, M. Leimkühler, Y. Liu, M. Böke, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, T. Mussenbrock, J. Schulze
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 095204 (2022)
Repository: https://rdpcidat.rub.de/node/420 - Atomic oxygen generation in atmospheric pressure RF plasma jets driven by tailored voltage waveforms in mixtures of He and O2
I. Korolov, D. Steuer, L. Bischoff, G. Hübner, Y. Liu, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, M. Böke, T. Mussenbrock, J. Schulze
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 125203 (2021)
Repository: https://rdpcidat.rub.de/node/244 - 2d spatially resolved O atom density profiles in an atmospheric pressure plasma jet: from the active plasma volume to the effluent
D. Steuer, I. Korolov, S. Chur, J. Schulze, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, J. Golda, M. Böke
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 355204 (2021)
Repository: https://rdpcidat.rub.de/node/323 - Zero-dimensional and pseudo-one-dimensional models of atmospheric-pressure plasma jets in binary and ternary mixtures of oxygen and nitrogen with helium background
Y. He, P. Preissing, D. Steuer, M. Klich, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, M. Böke, I. Korolov, J. Schulze, V. Guerra, R. P. Brinkmann, E. Kemaneci
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 30, 105017 (2021)
Repository: https://rdpcidat.rub.de/node/421 - Micro atmospheric pressure plasma jets excited in He/O2 by voltage waveform tailoring: A study based on a numerical hybrid model and experiments
Y. Liu, I. Korolov, J. Trieschmann, D. Steuer, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, M. Böke, L. Bischoff, G. Hübner, J. Schulze, T. Mussenbrock
Plasma Source. Sci. Technol. 30, 064001 (2021) - Dedicated setup to isolate plasma catalysis mechanisms
C. Stewig, T. Urbanietz, L. Chauvet, M. Böke, A. von Keudell
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 134005 (2021)
Repository: https://rdpcidat.rub.de/node/220 - Oxygen removal from a hydrocarbon containing gas stream by plasma catalysis
T. Urbanietz, C. Stewig, M. Böke, A. von Keudell
Plasma Chem Plasma Process 41, 619 (2021)
Repository: https://rdpcidat.rub.de/node/226 - Treating Surfaces with a Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma using the COST-Jet
J. Golda, K. Sgonina, J. Held, J. Benedikt, V. Schulz-von der Gathen
J. Vis. Exp. 165, e61801 (2020) - Reproducibility of 'COST Reference Microplasma Jets'
F. Riedel, J. Golda, J. Held, H. Davis, M. van der Woulde, J. Bredin, K. Niemi, T. Gans, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, D. O'Connell
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29, 095018 (2020) - 3-dimensional density distributions of NO in the effluent of the COST Reference MicroplasmaJet operated in He/N2/O2 admixture
P. Preissing, I. Korolov, J. Schulze, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, M. Böke
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29, 125001 (2020) - Helium metastable species generation in atmospheric pressure RF plasma jets driven by tailored voltage waveforms in mixtures of He and N2
I. Korolov, M. Leimkühler, M. Böke, J. Schulze, Z. Donkó, T. Lafleur, S. Wilczek, R.P. Brinkmann V. Schulz-von der Gathen, L. Bischoff, G. Hübner, P. Hartmann, T. Gans, Y. Liu, T. Mussenbrock, J. Schulze
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53, 185201 (2020) - Comparison of electron heating and energy loss mechanisms in an RF plasma jet operated in argon and helium
J. Golda, J. Held, V. Schulz-von der Gathen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29, 025014 (2020) - Nitrosylation vs. oxidation - how to modulate cold physical plasmas for biological applications
J. W. Lackmann, G. Bruno, H. Jablonowski, F. Kogelheide, B. Offerhaus, J. Held, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, K. Stapelmann, Th. von Woedtke, K. Wende
PLoS ONE 14, e0216606 (2019) - Dissipated electrical power and electron density in an RF atmospheric pressure helium plasma jet
J. Golda, F. Kogelheide, P. Awakowicz, V. Schulz-von der Gathen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 28, 095023 (2019) - Applications of the COST Plasma Jet: More than a Reference Standard
Y. Gorbanev, J. Golda, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, A. Bogaerts
Plasma 2, 316-327 (2019) - Experimental and computational investigations of electron dynamics in micro atmospheric pressure radio-frequency plasma jets operated in He/N2 mixtures
L. Bischoff, G. Hübner, I. Korolov, Z. Donkó, P. Hartmann, T. Gans, J. Held, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, Y. Liu, T. Mussenbrock, J. Schulze
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 27, 125009 (2018)
- Patrick Preissing, PhD thesis - 06/2023
Reactive Species transport and surface structuring by short-pulsed laser irradiation for plasma catalysis - David Steuer, Bachelor thesis - 09/2018
Reproduzierbarkeit von Dichte- und Temperaturverläufen im COST-Mikroplasmajet - Alexander Knodel, Master thesis - 09/2018
Untersuchungen von Mikroplasmajet-Entladungen mit N2/O2-Beimischungen vor Oberflächen - Alexander Böddecker, Master thesis - 09/2019
Vergleich der atomaren Sauerstoffdichten in einem coplanaren Plasmajet mit ns- oder RF-Anregung - David Steuer, Master thesis - 09/2020
Vergleichende Untersuchung von zweidimensionalen Sauerstoffverteilungen in Mikroplasmen mit optischen Methoden - Lennart Kulik, Bachelor thesis - 09/2022
Einfluss von Plasmabehandlung auf laserinduzierte Oberflächenstrukturen - Robin Labenski, Bachelor thesis - 09/2021
Konditionierung von metallischen Schichten durch Laser- und Plasmawechselwirkung - Robin De Minke, Bachelor thesis - 09/2023
Spektroskopie reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies im Effluenten eines Atmosphärendruckplasmas - Alexander Schicke, Master thesis - 05/2024
Absorption Measurements of the Metastable Atom Density in an Atmospheric Pressure Plasma - Sascha Chur, PhD thesis - ongoing
Plasma and laser interaction for catalyst fabrication
Further reading
- Spatial dynamics of helium metastables in sheath or bulk dominated rf micro-plasma jets
B. Niermann, T. Hemke, N. Y. Babaeva, M. Böke, M. J. Kushner, T. Mussenbrock, J. Winter
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44, 485204 (2011) - Application of a mode-locked fiber laser for highly time resolved broadband absorption spectroscopy and laser assisted breakdown on micro-plasmas
B. Niermann, I. L. Budunoglu, K. Gurel, M. Böke, F. Ö. Ilday, J. Winter
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45, 245202 (2012)