Theses of the CRC 1316
Ongoing Thesis
- Christian Busch - project A2, PhD thesis
CARS measurement of plasma species - Steijn Vervloedt - project A3, PhD thesis
Plasma catalysis for NH3 formation - Siqi Yu - project A3, PhD thesis
Plasma catalysis for NO formation - Fatma-Nur Seferoglu - project A3, PhD thesis
Data regression for the plasma chemistry of VOC removal by plasmas - Gerrit Hübner - project A5, PhD thesis
From ns- to ms-pulses - influence of voltage characteristics on surface barrier discharges - Samuel Jonas Giesekus - project A5, PhD thesis
From ns- to ms-pulses - influence of voltage characteristics on surface barrier discharges - Oliver Krettek - project A6, Master thesis
CO production in plasma arrays - Henrik van Impel - project A6, PhD thesis
Catalytic surfaces in micro-scaled
dielectric barrier discharges - Yue Cheng - project A6, PhD thesis
Fundamental plasma-catalyst interaction in micro-structured discharge - Philipp Wirth - project A7, PhD thesis
Plasma Catalysis in DBDs - Timothy Oppotsch - project A7, PhD thesis
sDBD for VOC removal - Jonas Hiepel - project A7, PhD thesis
Modification and Characterization of Semiconductor Materials Using Non-Thermal Plasma Sources - Fedor Aksenov - project A7, Master thesis
Plasma-Assisted VOC Oxidation: Mechanisms and Scale-up - Maximilian Klich - project A8, PhD thesis
Modellierung und Simulation von Atmosphärendruckplasmen - Youfan He - project A9, PhD thesis
A kinetic chemistry model for atmospheric pressure plasmas - Sascha Chur - project B2, PhD thesis
Plasma and laser interaction for catalyst fabrication - Florens Grimm - project B5, PhD thesis
Simulation of plasma-chemical kinetics in microdischarges formed in bubbles during plasma electrolysis - Jan-Luca Gembus - project B5, PhD thesis
2D-plasma-liquid-solid interfaces - plasma electrolytic oxidation - Pia-Victoria Pottkämper - project B7, PhD thesis
Plasma in liquids for electrolysis - Neil Unteregge - project B7, Master thesis
Microsecond plasmas for electrolysis - Hanna-Friederike Poggemann - project B8, PhD thesis
Modeling of enzyme chemistry in biocatalysis - Steffen Schüttler - project B11, PhD thesis
Plasma chemistry of H2O2 generation in atmospheric pressure plasma jets: from gas to liquid phase - Anna Lena Schöne - project B11, PhD thesis
Simulation of plasma and liquid chemistry for applications in biocatalysis - Sabrina Klopsch - project B11, PhD thesis
Biocatalysis scale-up concepts - Lukas Forschner - project B12, PhD thesis
Impact of contact glow discharge electrolysis on the electrolyte and its influence on electrode surface structure formation - Justus Leist - project B12, PhD thesis
Effect of contact glow discharge electrolysis modified transition metals on their catalytic activity - Tim Bolter - project B12, Master thesis
Temperature changes and production of reactive species during contact glow discharge electrolysis
Completed theses projects
- Alexander Böddecker - project A7, PhD thesis
Plasma catalysis for conversion of volatile organic compounds (VOC)
- Máté Vass - project A4, PhD thesis
Hybrid modeling of atmospheric plasmas - David Schulenberg - project A4, PhD thesis
Voltage Waveform Tailoring in RF Plasma Jets - Samuel Jonas Giesekus - project A4, Master thesis
Ion energy control by Voltage Waveform Tailoring in inductively coupled plasmas with substrate bias - Tim Bolles - project A4, Master thesis
Modeling and Simulation of Technological Plasmas with External Circuits - Jeldrik Klotz - project A4, Bachelor thesis
Characterisation of a COST-Plasmajet with open trenches in the electrodes - Nils Schöneweihs - project A5, Bachelor thesis
Optical diagnostics on nanosecond pulsed surface dielectric barrier dischargees with pressure variation - Tim Bolles - project A5, Master thesis
Modeling and Simulation of Technological Plasmas with External Circuits - Sebastian Wilczek - project A5, PostDoc
- Michael Roloff - project A6, Bachelor thesis
Optische Diagnostik des Einflusses von Katalysatoren auf dielektrisch behinderte Entladungen - David Steuer - project A6, PhD thesis
Discharge characteristics of a microcavity plasma array in helium-oxygen mixtures: oxygen as a model system for plasma catalysis applications - Tim Bolles - project A7, Master thesis
Modeling and Simulation of Technological Plasmas with External Circuits - Fabian Verdaguer - project A9, Master thesis
Inbetriebnahme eines plasmachemischen Reaktionssystems sowie Einbindung von Plasmadiagnostiken zur Prozessintensivierung - Claudia Khanh-Ly Nguyen - project B1, PhD thesis
Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 on UHV-Prepared Cu Single Crystals - Alexander Schicke - project B2, Master thesis
Absorption Measurements of the Metastable Atom Density in an Atmospheric Pressure Plasma - Simon Homann - project B4, PhD thesis
Theoretical studies on the interaction of excited species with catalyst surfaces - Lukas Paul Bielzer - project B5, Master thesis
Electron Kinetics in Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation - Sven Weller - project B7, Bachelor thesis
Investigation of plasma-in-liquid induced copper oxidation - Sophie Trenkle - project B8, Bachelor thesis
Expansion of plasma-driven biocatalysis using the enzymes CypC from Bacillus subtilis and TxtE from Streptomyces scabies - Niklas Eichstaedt - project B11, Bachelor thesis
Untersuchung des Einflusses der Anregungsfrequenz auf die Produktion von plasmaerzeugtem Wasserstoffperoxid - Sarah Thiel - project B11, Bachelor thesis
Expansion of plasma-driven biocatalysis: Epoxidation of unsaturated fatty acids with the unspecific peroxygenase from Collariella virescens - Leonidas Eliakopoulos - project B11, Bachelor thesis
Untersuchung der zeitlichen und räumlichen Anregungsdynamik in einem mit kHz-Pulsen betriebenen Atmosphärendruckplasmajet - Justus Leist - project B12, Master thesis
HER and OER activity of CGDE-modified Ni expanded metals under close to industrial conditions - Jonas Hiepel - project B15, Master thesis
Evaluation of a Characterization Network to Determine Point Defects in Plasma and Thermal Treated Perovskite Materials
- Ahmad Al Hamdan - project A4, Bachelor thesis
Study of VOC removal in a patterned dielectric barrier discharge - Lukas Leonhard Vogelhuber - project A4, Master thesis
Modellierung und Simulation von Transportprozessen im Hochfrequenz-Mikro-Atmosphärendruck-Plasmajet - Robin Labenski - project A6, Master thesis
Laser-induzierte Beeinflussung der Ladungen in einer dielektrischen behinderten Oberflächenentladung bei Atmosphärendruck - Henrik van Impel - project A6, Master thesis
Analyse des elektrischen Feldes in einer mikroskalierten dielektrisch behinderten Entladung - Maximilian Ryppa - project A7, Bachelor thesis
Investigation of reactive species densities in a twin surface dielectric barrier discharge with absorption spectroscopy - Christian Oberste-Beulmann - project A7, PhD thesis
Plasma-catalytic Removal of Oxygen Traces from Hydrogen-rich Gas Mixtures - Guanxiang Ding - project A9, Bachelor thesis
Charged particle kinetics in repetitively pulsed atmospheric pressure plasmas - Carrie Tso - project A9, Master thesis
Dissociation of carbon-containing molecules in atmospheric pressure plasma sources - Patrick Preissing - project B2, PhD thesis
Reactive Species transport and surface structuring by short-pulsed laser irradiation for plasma catalysis - Robin De Minke - project B2, Bachelor thesis
Spektroskopie reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies im Effluenten eines Atmosphärendruckplasmas - Oliver Krettek - project B7, Bachelor thesis
Investigation of Plasma-Assisted Nanoparticle Production at the Liquid-Solid Interface - Tim Dirks - project B8, PhD thesis
Plasma-driven biocatalysis and the investigation of plasma-protein interactions - Lukas Jasper - project B8, Bachelor thesis
Unspecific Peroxygenase from Daldinia caldariorum in Escherichia coli for plasma-driven biocatalysis - Maike Kai - project B11, Master thesis
Diagnostics of plasma chemistry in atmospheric pressure plasmas operated in humid feed gas - Lara Boeddinghaus - project B11, Bachelor thesis
Diagnostik der Anregungsdynamik in einem Atmosphärendruckplasmajet mittels phasenaufgelöster optischer Emissionsspektroskopie - Jannis Kaufmann - project B11, Bachelor thesis
Diagnostik von plasmaerzeugten Stickstoff- und Sauerstoffspezies in Flüssigkeiten - Lukas Jasper - project B11, Bachelor thesis
Unspecific Peroxygenase from Daldinia caldariorum in Escherichia coli for plasma-driven biocatalysis - Evelyn Artmann - project B12, PhD thesis
Impact of plasma in liquid on electrodestructure and solution properties - Tobias Schmieder - project B12, PhD thesis
Impact of plasma in liquid on electrodestructure and solution properties - Wiktoria Lewandowski - project PR, Bachelor thesis
Entwicklung eines Fragebogens zum Zutrauen von Schülerinnen und Schülern in die Lösung gesellschaftlicher Probleme durch die Naturwissenschaften
- Jan Kuhfeld - project A2, PhD thesis
Ro-vibrational distribution measurement in transient discharges by coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering - Christoph Stewig - project A3, PhD thesis
Excitation transfer between molecules in transient atmospheric pressure plasmas and its impact on plasma chemistry - Theresa Urbanietz - project A3, PhD thesis
Plasma Catalysis during Conversion of Methane/Oxygen/Hydrogen Gas Mixtures - Daniel Henze - project A3, Bachelor thesis
Measurement of carbon monoxide production in atmospheric pressure plasmas - Bernhard Rogg - project A4, Bachelor thesis
Numerical simulation of plasma fluid flow in the exit channel of a COST micro atmospheric pressure plasma jet - Stefan Rohr - project A4, Bachelor thesis
Ortsaufgelöste Charakterisierung eines symmetrischen, kapazitiven gekoppelten Plasmas mittels Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy - Constantin Neuroth - project A4, Bachelor thesis
Study of the effects of metal catalyst loading and conductivity on plasma dynamics in a patterned dielectric barrier discharge - Li Wang - project A4, PhD thesis
Process control in micro atmospheric pressure RF plasma jets by voltage waveform tailoring and customised boundary surfaces - Ryan Thomas Nguyen-Smith - project A5, PhD thesis
From ns- to ms-pulses - influence of voltage characteristics on surface barrier discharges - Ammar Allababidi - project A5, Bachelor thesis
Ortsaufgelöste und stereoskopische optische Emissionsspektroskopie einer beidseitigen Oberflächen behinderten Entladung mit Mikro-- und Nanosekunden S - Martha Finke - project A6, Bachelor thesis
Absorptionsmessungen von plasmaproduziertem Ozon - Lars Schücke - project A7, PhD thesis
Analysis of Reaction Kinetics in a Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge for the Conversion of Volatile Organic Compounds - Anna Lena Schöne - project A7, Master thesis
Gas Flow Effects in Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharges - Arisa Bodnar - project A7, Bachelor thesis
Investigation of a twin surface dielectric barrier discharge for the decomposition of polluted air streams - Amr Ghanoum - project A7, Bachelor thesis
Reduktion des Sauerstoffgehaltes abgeschiedener Gasseparations-Membranen unter Verwendung von Hexamethyldisilazan als Präkursor eines PE-CVD Prozesses - Dominik Filla - project A7, Bachelor thesis
Untersuchung der Homogenität einer Mikrowellen-PE-CVD Entladung - Timothy Oppotsch - project A7, Master thesis
Investigations on plasma-catalytic exhaust gas treatment - Jonas Hiepel - project A7, Bachelor thesis
Validierung eines Verdampfersystems und Sprühbeschichters für die Verwendung in plasma-katalytischen Messungen - Lars Schücke - project A7, PostDoc
- Ruyi Chen - project A9, Master thesis
Simulation of dielectric barrier discharges for medical applications - Lennart Kulik - project B2, Bachelor thesis
Einfluss von Plasmabehandlung auf laserinduzierte Oberflächenstrukturen - Vera Bracht - project B5, PhD thesis
Characterisation of Single Microdischarges during Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation of Aluminium - Jan-Luca Gembus - project B5, Master thesis
The effect of electrolyte concentration on the microdischarge behaviour during PEO of aluminium and titanium - Vera Bracht - project B5, PostDoc
- Katharina Grosse - project B7, PostDoc
- Fatma-Nur Seferoglu - project B7, Master thesis
Optical analysis of microsecond pulsed plasmas in liquids - Denise Rittmann - project B8, Bachelor thesis
Plasma-driven biocatalysis of the unspecific peroxygenase of Agrocybe aegerita with “ReliZyme”-beads - Océane Michels - project B11, Bachelor thesis
Plasma-driven biocatalysis with the unspecific peroxygenase from Collariella virescens - Emanuel Jeß - project B11, Bachelor thesis
Diagnostics of Plasma-Produced Hydrogen Peroxide in Liquids - Tobias Schmider - project B12, Master thesis
Influence of high voltage electrolysis on single crystal electrodes
- Boris Daniil - project A3, Bachelor thesis
Simulation der Nachweisempfindlichkeit eines Atmosphärendruck-Massenspektrometers - Lena Bischoff - project A4, Master thesis
Investigation of the effects of customized electrodes on capacitively coupled radio frequency microplasma jets using emission spectroscopy and laser diagnostics - Ihor Korolov - project A4, PostDoc
- Yue Liu - project A4, PostDoc
- Niklas Friedrichs - project A5, Bachelor thesis
Untersuchung der Sauerstoffradikaldichten einer dielektrischen Oberflächenentladung - Sebastian Dzikowski - project A6, PhD thesis
Micro cavity plasma arrays - Their general discharge performance, electric field strengths and potential for plasma catalysis - Henrik van Impel - project A6, Bachelor thesis
Diagnostik von atomarem Sauerstoff in einem Micro-Cavity-Plasmareaktor - Niklas Peters - project A7, PhD thesis
MnO2-assisted dielectric barrier discharge-driven plasma oxidation for the abatement of n-butane - Katja Wenselau - project A7, Bachelor thesis
Untersuchung des Strömungsfeldes einer beidseitigen dielektrisch behinderten Oberflächenentladung für die Abluftreinigung - Natalia Lupyna - project A8, Bachelor thesis
Analyse von Feld- und Potentialverteilungen im Plasma-Jet - Philipp Grosse - project B1, PhD thesis
Investigating Dynamic Changes in Morphology and Chemical State of Copper Catalysts for the Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 - Robin Labenski - project B2, Bachelor thesis
Konditionierung von metallischen Schichten durch Laser- und Plasmawechselwirkung - Katharina Grosse - project B7, PhD thesis
Discharge ignition, dynamics and chemistry of nanosecond pulsed plasmas in water - Elia Jüngling - project B7, Bachelor thesis
Ausbreitung von Streamern in Nanosekundenplasmen in Wasser - Marina Falke - project B7, Bachelor thesis
Comparison of nanosecond pulsed discharges in water for different pulse polarities - Sabrina Klopsch - project B8, Master thesis
Plasma-driven biocatalysis with the cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP152BSβ from Bacillus subtilis and the use of decoy molecule - Emanuel Jeß - project B11, Bachelor thesis
Diagnostics of plasma-produced hydrogen peroxide in liquids
- Lukas Bielzer - project A5, Bachelor thesis
Optische Emissions Spektroskopie von Nanosekunden gepulsten Oberflächen behinderten Entladungen - Kevin Ollegott - project A7, PhD thesis
Plasma-assisted removal of oxygen traces from coke oven gas using a twin-surface dielectric barrier discharge - Jens Kallähn - project A7, Bachelor thesis
Entwurf einer Messstrecke zur optischen Absorptionsspektroskopie von Ozon an einer dielektrischen Oberflächenentladung - Christian Oberste-Beulmann - project A7, Master thesis
Investigations on Plasma-catalytic Removal of Oxygen Traces from Hydrogen-rich Gas Mixtures - Tim Bolles - project A8, Bachelor thesis
Validierung des Smooth Step Models für ein Plasma mit zwei Ionenspezies mittels Particle-In-Cell Simulation - Lukas Vogelhuber - project A8, Bachelor thesis
Elektronen- und Ionenverteilungsfunktionen an der Grenzfläche von kapazitiven Ein- und Zweifrequenz-Entladungen - Fabian Verdaguer - project A8, Bachelor thesis
Untersuchung durch unterschiedliche Spannungsformen erzeugter Hochfrequenzplasmen - David Steuer - project B2, Master thesis
Vergleichende Untersuchung von zweidimensionalen Sauerstoffverteilungen in Mikroplasmen mit optischen Methoden - Patrick Herrmanns - project B5, PhD thesis
Charakterisierung und Prozessoptimierung industriell relevanter Mikroplasmen: Von der Beschichtungstechnik bis zur Mikrosensorik - Simon Böddeker - project B5, Master thesis
Elektrische Messtechnik und statistische Prozessdiagnostik an einem PEO-Beschichtungsprozess - Yayci Abdulkadir - project B8, PhD thesis
Plasma-driven biocatalysis - Freya Jockenhövel - project B8, Bachelor thesis
The chaperedoxin CnoX and its plasma-induced activation - Ivan Bobkov - project B8, Bachelor thesis
Effects of pre-adaptation and mutagenesis on the susceptibility of Escherichia coli to cold atmospheric plasma
- Jutta Püttmann - project A2, Bachelor thesis
Electric Field Measurements via EFISH in a CARS Setup - Florian Beckfeld - project A5, Bachelor thesis
Measurement of high voltage signals and evaluation of different probing methods on a surface dielectric barrier discharge - Simon Kreuznacht - project A6, Master thesis
Hochaufgelöste Untersuchung eines Mikroplasma-Kanals - Till Marth - project A6, Bachelor thesis
Nicht-invasive Bestimmung der Gastemperatur mit Rayleigh-Streuung - Jan-Luca Gembus - project A7, Bachelor thesis
Untersuchung der Konversion von flüchtigen Kohlenwasserstoffen in einer dielektrischen Oberflächenentladung - Laura Kroll - project A8, Master thesis
Modellierung und Simulation von Transportprozessen im Plasma-Jet - Youfan He - project A9, Master thesis
Zero-dimensional numerical simulations of low-pressure inductive discharges and atmospheric-pressure plasma jets - Alexander Böddecker - project B2, Master thesis
Vergleich der atomaren Sauerstoffdichten in einem coplanaren Plasmajet mit ns- oder RF-Anregung - Anna Lena Schöne - project B5, Bachelor thesis
Optische und elektrische Messtechnik an einem Einzelentladungsaufbau zur plasmaelektrolytischen Oxidation - Chaiyasit Nenbangkaeo - project B7, Bachelor thesis
Analysis of hydrogen peroxide production in nanosecond pulsed discharges in water - Thorben Holländer - project B7, Bachelor thesis
Determination of the OH concentration in plasma treated liquids - Fatma-Nur Seferoglu - project B7, Bachelor thesis
Surface modification of a copper substrate through the reaction chemistry generated by pulsed plasmas in water - Sabrina Klopsch - project B8, Bachelor thesis
Plasma-driven biocatalysis with the vanadium-dependent chloroperoxidase from Curvularia inaequalis - Tim Dirks - project B8, Master thesis
Untersuchung der plasma-induzierten Aktivierung von Hsp33 aus Escherichia coli - Marco Krewing - project B8, PhD thesis
Impact of low-temperature plasmas on microorganisms and biomolecules
- Steffen Schüttler - project A3, Bachelor thesis
Influence of Catalysts on CO2-Conversion in Non-Equilibrium Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas - Thilo Romba - project A3, Bachelor thesis
Calculation of Absorption Spectra of Methane in Non-Equilibrium Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas - Lena Bischoff - project A4, Bachelor thesis
Optische Emissionsspektroskopie an einem RF kapazitiv gekoppelten AP Plasma Jet unter Variation der Sauerstoffbeimischung - Gerrit Hübner - project A4, Bachelor thesis
Optische Emissionsspektroskopie an einem RF kapazitiv gekoppelten AP Plasma Jet unter Variation der Stickstoffbeimischung - Marc Leimkühler - project A6, Master thesis
Erzeugung von Metastabilen mit Hilfe von kHz-getriebenen Mikroplasma-Arrays - Christian Oberste-Beulmann - project A7, Bachelor thesis
Entwicklung einer Methode zur Beschichtung von Plattenelektroden mit heterogenen Katalysatoren für die oxidative Plasmakatalyse - Kai-Philipp Enneking - project A8, Master thesis
Untersuchung einer planaren kapazitiven HF-Entladung mit Hilfe des Smooth step Models - Sebastian Wilczek - project A9, PhD thesis
Nichtlokale und nichtlineare Elektronendynamik in kapazitiv gekoppelten Hochfrequenzplasmen - Ryan Thomas Nguyen-Smith - project A9, Master thesis
Comparison of spatially resolved ozone absorption spectroscopy with zero dimensional simulations - David Steuer - project B2, Bachelor thesis
Reproduzierbarkeit von Dichte- und Temperaturverläufen im COST-Mikroplasmajet - Alexander Knodel - project B2, Master thesis
Untersuchungen von Mikroplasmajet-Entladungen mit N2/O2-Beimischungen vor Oberflächen - Maike Kai - project B7, Bachelor thesis
Optical Analysis of a Nanosecond Plasma Inside Liquids - Cindy Juric - project B8, Bachelor thesis
Identification of peroxidases in environmental samples for plasma-driven biocatalysis - Tristan Hoffmann - project B8, Bachelor thesis
Plasma stability of the copper-zinc superoxide dismutase of Escherichia coli - Nathalie Gibas - project B8, Master thesis
Identification and characterisation of peroxidases for plasma-driven biocatalysis
- Maximilian Klich - project A8, Bachelor thesis
Untersuchung der Ionendynamik in kapazitiven Argon-Xenon Hochfrequenzentladungen