CRC 1316 Transient Atmospheric Plasmas: From Plasmas to Liquids To Solids

Publications of the CRC 1316


(B4) - Understanding the Nitrogen Reduction Reaction Mechanism on CuFeO2 Photocathodes
J. Beßner, T. Jacob
Chem. Eur. J., e202500058 (2025)
(B8, B11) - Transportation behaviour of OH and H2O2 in plasma-treated water
H.-F. Poggemann, S. Schüttler, A. L. Schöne, E. Jeß, L. Schücke, T. Jacob, A. R. Gibson, J. Golda, C. K. Jung
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 58, 135208 (2025)
(A5) - Streamer propagation dynamics in a nanosecond pulsed surface dielectric barrier discharge in He/N2 mixtures
G. Hübner, S. Wilczek, N. Schöneweihs, D. Filla, T. Mussenbrock, I. Korolov
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 58 065201 (2025)
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(A3, A5) - Plasma and flow simulation of the ion wind in a surface barrier discharge used for gas conversion benchmarked by Schlieren imaging
S. Mohsenimehr, S. Wilczek, T. Mussenbrock, A. von Keudell
Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 45, 85-112 (2025)
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(A1, A2) - Nanosecond resolved vibrational kinetics of CO2 in CO2/N2 mixtures measured in a pulsed discharge jet
C. A. Busch, N. D. Lepikhin, I. Orel, J. Kuhfeld, D. Luggenhölscher, U. Czarnetzki
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 58, 065202 (2025)
(B11) - Tuning plasma chemistry by various excitation mechanisms for the H2O2 production of atmospheric pressure plasma jets
S. Schüttler, N. Eichstaedt, J. Golda
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 58, 025203 (2025)
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(A5, A7) - The role of flow field dynamics in enhancing volatile organic compound conversion in a surface dielectric barrier discharge system
A. Böddecker, M. Passmann, A. N. Torres Segura, A. Bodnar, F. Awakowicz, T. Oppotsch, M. Muhler, P. Awakowicz, A. R. Gibson, I. Korolov, T. Mussenbrock
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 58, 025208 (2025)
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(B1) - Operando Raman spectroscopy uncovers hydroxide and CO species enhance ethanol selectivity during pulsed CO_2 electroreduction
A. Herzog, M. L. Luna, H. S. Jeon, C. Rettenmaier, P. Grosse, A. Bergmann, B. Roldán Cuenya
Nat Commun 15, 3986 (2024)
(B12) - First-Principles Study on the Structural and Magnetic Properties of Low-Index Cu2O and CuO Surfaces
S. E. Bogenrieder, J. Beßner, A. K. Engstfeld, T. Jacob
J. Phys. Chem. C 128, 9693-9704 (2024)
(A6) - Measurement of atomic oxygen densities using TALIF on a dielectric barrier discharge: insights into the volume above a micro cavity plasma array
D. Steuer, B. Z. Bentz, K. Youngman, H. van Impel, M. Böke, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, J. Golda
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 33, 125007 (2024)
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(A5, A7) - Chemical modification of selenium-containing amino acids caused by non-thermal dielectric-barrier discharge atmospheric-pressure plasma
F. Afzal, D. Śmiłowicz, F. Kogelheide, A. L. Schöne, K. Stapelmann, P. Awakowicz, N. Metzler-Nolte
RSC Adv. 14, 38094-38104 (2024)
() - Self-consistent calculation of the optical emission spectrum of an argon capacitively coupled plasma based on the coupling of particle simulation with a collisional-radiative model
Z. Donkó, T. V. Tsankov, P. Hartmann, F. J. Arellano, U. Czarnetzki, S. Hamaguchi
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 57, 375209 (2024)
(A9, A2, A1) - Zero-dimensional simulations of DC ns-pulsed plasma jet in N2 at near atmospheric pressure: validation of the vibrational kinetics
Y. He, J. Kuhfeld, N. D. Lepikhin, U. Czarnetzki, V. Guerra, R. P. Brinkmann, A. R. Gibson and E. H. Kemaneci
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 33, 115011 (2024)
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(A3) - Impact of the surface on He(23S1) and He2(a3Σu+) metastables densities in atmospheric pressure RF plasma
S. Yu, L. Chauvet, A. von Keudell
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 33, 115015 (2024)
(B7, B13) - Creation of tungsten and platinum nanoparticles from nanosecond plasmas in water
O. Krettek, P. Pottkämper, P. Cignoni, K. Tschulik, A. von Keudell
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 57, 485201 (2024)
(A4, A5, A6, B2) - Energy efficiency of reactive species generation in radiofrequency atmospheric pressure plasma jets driven by tailored voltage waveforms in He/O2 mixtures
M. Vass, D. Schulenberg, Z. Donkó, P. Hartmann, D. Steuer, M. Böke, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, I. Korolov, Th. Mussenbrock, J. Schulze
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 33, 11LT01 (2024)
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(A6) - Electric field components within a micro-scaled DBD measured by Stark shifting and splitting of helium lines
H. van Impel, D. Steuer, R. Labenski, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, M. Böke, J. Golda
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 33, 105008 (2024)
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(A6) - Novel methods for determination and manipulation of surface charges performed on an atmospheric DBD microplasma
R. Labenski, D. Steuer, H. van Impel, M. Böke, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, J. Golda
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 33, 105022 (2024)
(B11) - Nitrogen fixation and H2O2 production by an atmospheric pressure plasma jet operated in He - H2O - N2 - O2 gas mixtures
S. Schüttler, J. Kaufmann, J. Golda
Plasma Process. Polym. 21, e2300233 (2024)
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(B7) - Plasma in Liquids induced modification of Cu surfaces
P. Pottkämper, A. von Keudell
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 57, 345201 (2024)
(A3) - Ammonia synthesis by plasma catalysis in an atmospheric RF helium plasma
S. Vervloedt, A. von Keudell
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 33, 045005 (2024)
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(B11) - Production and transport of plasma-generated hydrogen peroxide from gas to liquid
S. Schüttler , A. L. Schöne , E. Jeß, A. R. Gibson, J. Golda
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 26, 8255-8272 (2024)
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(A4) - Frequency-dependent electron power absorption mode transitions in capacitively coupled argon-oxygen plasmas
A. Derzsi, M. Vass, R. Masheyeva, B. Horvath, Z. Donkó, P. Hartmann
Plasma Sourc. Sci. Technol. 33, 025005 (2024)
(A4, A8) - Mode Transition Induced by Gas Heating Along the Discharge Channel in Capacitively Coupled Atmospheric Pressure Micro Plasma Jets
D. Schulenberg, M. Vass, M. Klich, Z. Donkó, J. Klotz, N. Bibinov, T. Mussenbrock, J. Schulze
Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 44, 1217-1235 (2024)
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(A4) - A new 2D fluid-MC hybrid approach for simulating nonequilibrium atmospheric pressure plasmas: density distribution of atomic oxygen in radio-frequency plasma jets in He/O2 mixtures
M. Vass, D. Schulenberg, Z. Donkó, I. Korolov, P. Hartmann, J. Schulze, T. Mussenbrock
Plasma Sourc. Sci. Technol. 33, 015012 (2024)
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(A5) - Spatio-temporal dynamics of electrons and helium metastables in uniform dielectric barrier discharges formed in He/N2
N. Nawrath, I. Korolov, N. Bibinov, P. Awakowicz, A. R. Gibson
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 32, 125014 (2023)
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(A3) - Controlled synthesis of NO in an Atmospheric Pressure Plasma by suppressing NO destruction channels by plasma catalysis
S. Yu, S. Vervloedt, A. von Keudell
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 57, 245203 (2024)
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(B11, B2) - Comparison of CO production and Escherichia coli inactivation by a kHz and a MHz plasma jet
E. Mestre, I. Orel, D. Henze, L. Chauvet, S. Burhenn, S. Dozias, F. Brulé-Morabito, J. Golda, C. Douat
Plasma Process Polym. 21, e2300182 (2024)
(A3) - Reaction Mechanisms and Plasma-Catalyst Interaction in Plasma-Assisted Oxidation of n-Butane -- A Data-Driven Approach
D. Reiser, A. von Keudell
Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 44, 867-890 (2024)
(B11, B13) - Validation of in situ diagnostics for the detection of OH and H2O2 in liquids treated by a humid atmospheric pressure plasma jet
S. Schüttler, L. Jolmes, E. Jeß, K. Tschulik, J. Golda
Plasma Process. Polym. 21, e2300079 (2024)
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(B4) - In silico characterization of nanoparticles
B. Kirchhoff, C. K. Jung, D. Gaissmaier, L. Braunwarth, D. Fantauzzia, T. Jacob
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 13228-13243 (2023)
(A7, B5) - Investigation of flow characteristics in a twin-surface dielectric barrier discharge reactor by Schlieren imaging
K. Ollegott, P. Wirth, C. Oberste-Beulmann, G. Siddarth Mani Sakthi, A. Magazova, P. Hermanns, N. Peters, L. Schücke, V. Bracht, D. W. Agar, P. Awakowicz, M. Muhler
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 56, 265201 (2023)
(B4) - An Atomistic View of Platinum Cluster Growth on Pristine and Defective Graphene Supports
J. Bord, B. Kirchhoff, M. Baldofski, C. K. Jung, T. Jacob
Small 19, 2207484 (2023)
(A4) - Metastable argon atom kinetics in a low-pressure capacitively coupled radio frequency discharge
Z. Donkó, P. Hartmann, I. Korolov, D. Schulenberg, S. Rohr, S. Rauf, J. Schulze
Plasma Sourc. Sci. Technol. 32, 065002 (2023)
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(A4) - Experimental validation of particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo collisions simulations in low-pressure neon capacitively coupled plasmas
C. W. Park, B. Horvath, A. Derzsi, J. Schulze, J. H. Kim, Z. Donkó, H. C. Lee
Plasma Sourc. Sci. Technol. 32, 115003 (2023)
(A4) - Scanning drift tube measurements and kinetic studies of electron transport in CO
S. Dujko, D. Bošnjaković, M. Vass, P. Hartmann, I. Korolov, N. R. Pinhão, D. Loffhagen, Z. Donkó
Plasma Sourc. Sci. Technol. 32, 025014 (2023)
(B12) - Tailoring Cu Electrodes for Enhanced CO2 Electroreduction through Plasma Electrolysis in Non-Conventional Phosphorus-Oxoanion-Based Electrolytes
M. M. Elnagar, P. V. Menezes, W. A. Parada, Y. Mattausch, L. A. Kibler, K. J.J. Mayrhofer, T. Jacob
ChemSusChem 16, e202300934 (2023)
(B12) - In-Liquid Plasma-Mediated Manganese Oxide Electrocatalysts for Quasi-Industrial Water Oxidation and Selective Dehydrogenation
I. Mondal, P. V. Menezes, K. Laun, T. Diemant, M. Al-Shakran, I. Zebger, T. Jacob, M. Driess, P. W. Menezes
ACS Nano 17, 14043-14052 (2023)
(B12) - Activation of nickel foam through in-liquid plasma-induced phosphorus incorporation for efficient quasi-industrial water oxidation and selective oxygenation of organics
H. Yang, P. V. Menezes, G. Dai, G. Vijaykumar, Z. Chen, M. Al-Shakran, T. Jacob, M. Driess, P. W. Menezes
Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 324, 122249 (2023)
(B12) - Electric Potential Distribution Inside the Electrolyte during High Voltage Electrolysis
L. Forschner, E. Artmann, T. Jacob, A. K. Engstfeld
J. Phys. Chem. C 127, 4387-4394 (2023)
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(B12) - Facet-Dependent Formation and Adhesion of Au Oxide and Nanoporous Au on Poly-Oriented Au Single Crystals
E. Artmann, T. Schmider, T. Jacob, A. K. Engstfeld
ChemPhysChem 24, e202300428 (2023)
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(B12) - Nanoporous Au formation on Au substrates via high voltage electrolysis
E. Artmann, L. Forschner, K. M. Schüttler, M. Al-Shakran, T. Jacob, A. K. Engstfeld
ChemPhysChem 24, e202200645 (2023)
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(A4) - Similarity laws for two-dimensional simulations of low-pressure capacitively coupled radio-frequency discharges
J. Y. Sun, J. Schulze, F. F. Ma, Q. Z. Zhang, Y. N. Wang
Phys. Plasmas 30, 120703 (2023)
(A7, A5) - Interactions Between Flow Fields Induced by Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge Arrays
A. Böddecker, M. Passmann, S. Wilczek, L. Schücke, I. Korolov, R. Skoda, T. Mussenbrock, A. R. Gibson, P. Awakowicz
Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 43, 1509-1530 (2023)
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(A6) - Spatially and temporally resolved atomic oxygen densities in a micro cavity plasma array
D. Steuer, H. van Impel, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, M. Böke, J. Golda
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 32, 025013 (2023)
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(B1) - Cationic Copper Species Stabilized by Zinc during the Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2 Revealed by In Situ X-Ray Spectroscopy
J. J. Velasco-Vélez, J. Poon, D. F. Gao, C. H. Chuang, A. Bergmann, T. E. Jones, S. C. Haw, J. M. Chen, E. Carbonio, R. V. Mom, D. Ivanov, R. Arrigo, B. Roldán Cuenya, A. Knop-Gericke, R. Schlögl
Adv. Sustainable Syst. 7, 2200453 (2023)
(B1) - Assessment of the Degradation Mechanisms of Cu Electrodes during the CO2 Reduction Reaction
R. V. Mom, L. E. Sandoval-Diaz, D. F. Gao, C. H. Chuang, E. A. Carbonio, T. E. Jones, R. Arrigo, D. Ivanov, M. Hävecker, B. Roldán Cuenya, R. Schlögl, T. Lunkenbein, A. Knop-Gericke, J. J. Velasco-Vélez
ACS Appl. Mater. 15, 30052-30059 (2023)
(A4, A5, A7) - The effects of catalyst conductivity and loading of dielectric surface structures on plasma dynamics in patterned dielectric barrier discharges
C. Neuroth, Z. Mujahid, B. Berger, C. Oberste-Beulmann, T. Oppotsch, Q.-Z. Zhang, M. Muhler, T. Mussenbrock, I. Korolov, J. Schulze
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 32, 105019 (2023)
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(B8, B11) - Immobilization protects enzymes from plasma-mediated inactivation
T. Dirks, A. Yayci, S. Klopsch, M. Krewing, W. Zhang, F. Hollmann, J. E. Bandow
J. R. Soc. Interface 20, 20230299 (2023)
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(B8, B11) - The cold atmospheric pressure plasma-generated species superoxide, singlet oxygen, and atomic oxygen activate the molecular chaperone Hsp33
T. Dirks, M. Krewing, K. Vogel, J. E. Bandow
J. R. Soc. Interface 20, 20230300 (2023)
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(A4, B2, A6, A5) - Local enhancement of electron heating and neutral species generation in radio-frequency micro-atmospheric pressure plasma jets: the effects of structured electrode topologies
Y. Liu, M. Vass, G. Hübner, D. Schulenberg, T. Hemke, L. Bischoff, S. Chur, D. Steuer, J. Golda, M. Böke, J. Schulze, I. Korolov, T. Mussenbrock
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 32, 025012 (2023)
(A1, A2) - Breakdown and quasi-DC phase of a nanosecond discharge. Comparison of Optical Emission Spectroscopy measurements with numerical simulations
N. D. Lepikhin, J. Kuhfeld, Z. Donkó, D. Luggenhölscher, U. Czarnetzki
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 32, 084002 (2023)
(A1, A2) - PIC/MCC simulation for a ns-pulsed glow discharge in nitrogen at sub-atmospheric pressure and analysis of its quasi-steady state physics
J. Kuhfeld, N. D. Lepikhin, D. Luggenhölscher, U. Czarnetzki, Z. Donkó
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 32, 084001 (2023)
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(A3) - Surface dielectric barrier discharge (sDBD) for flow control in plasma conversion
S. Mohsenimehr, A. von Keudell
Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 43, 1633-1649 (2023)
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(A3) - Impact of catalysis on n-butane oxidation in an RF atmospheric pressure plasma
C. Stewig, L. Chauvet, A. von Keudell
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 10, 105006 (2023)
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(B5) - Surface modifications of aluminium and aluminium oxide induced by a treatment with a He-plasma jet and plasma electrolytic oxidation
V. Bracht, J.L. Gembus, N. Bibinov, P. Awakowicz
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 56, 165201 (2023)
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(A9) - Vibrational kinetics in repetitively pulsed atmospheric pressure nitrogen discharges: average-power-dependent switching behaviour
H. L. Davies, V. Guerra, M. van der Woude, T. Gans, D. O'Connell, A. R. Gibson
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 32, 014003 (2023)
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(B4, B8) - An increase in surface hydrophobicity mediates chaperone activity in N-chlorinated RidA
M. Varatnitskaya, J. Fasel, A. Müller, N. Lupilov, Y. Shi, K. Fuchs, M. Krewing, C. K. Jung, T. Jacob, B. Sitek, J. E. Bandow, K. S. Carroll, E. Hofmann, L. I. Leichert
Redox Biol. 53, 102332 (2022)
(B12) - Cathodic corrosion of Au in aqueous methanolic alkali metal hydroxide electrolytes: Notable role of water
M. M. Elnagar, T. Jacob, L. A. Kibler
Electrochem. Sci. Adv. 2, e2100175 (2022)
(B11) - Characterization of three novel DyP-type peroxidases from Streptomyces chartreusis NRRL 3882
A. Yayci, N. Bachmann, T. Dirks, E. Hofmann, J.E. Bandow
J. Appl. Microbiol. 133, 2417-2429 (2022)
(B4) - Atmospheric Pressure Plasma-Jet Treatment of PAN-Nonwovens - Activation Leading to High Surface Area Carbon Electrodes
A. Hoffmann, M. Uhl, M. Ceblin, J. Bansmann, T. Jacob, A. J. C. Kühne
Plasma Process. Polym. 19, e2200114 (2022)
(B4) - Atmospheric Pressure Plasma-Jet Treatment of Polyacrylonitrile-Nonwovens - Stabilization and Roll-to-Roll Processing
A. Hoffmann, F. Rohrbach, M. Uhl, M. Ceblin, T. Bauer, M. Mallah, T. Jacob, H. Heuermann, A. J. C. Kühne
J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 139, e52887 (2022)
(B4) - Inductive Heating for Research in Electrocatalysis: Theory, Practical Considerations and Examples
D. Esau, F. Schütt, K. L. Varvaris, L. A. Kibler, Ludwig, T. Jacob, G. Jerkiewicz
ACS Catal. 12, 9766 (2022)
(B4) - Atmospheric Pressure Plasma-Jet Treatment of PAN-Nonwovens - Carbonization of Nanofiber Electrodes
A. Hoffmann, M. Uhl, M. U. Ceblin, F. Rohrbach, J. Bansmann, M. Mallah, H. Heuermann, T. Jacob, A. J. C. Kühne
C 8, 33 (2022)
(B4) - Simulations of the Electrochemical Oxidation of Pt Nanoparticles of Various Shapes
B. Kirchhoff, C. K. Jung, H. Jonsson, D. Fantauzzi, T. Jacob
J. Phys. Chem. C 126, 6773 (2022)
(A4) - Evolution of the bulk electric field in capacitively coupled argon plasmas at intermediate pressures
M. Vass, S. Wilczek, A. Derzsi, B. Horvath, P. Hartmann, Z. Donkó
Plasma Sourc. Sci. Technol. 31, 045017 (2022)
(A4) - Electron power absorption in capacitively coupled neon - oxygen plasmas: a comparison of experimental and computational results
A. Derzsi, P. Hartmann, M. Vass, B. Horvath, M. Gyulai, I. Korolov, J. Schulze, Z. Donkó
Plasma Sourc. Sci. Technol. 31, 085009 (2022)
(A4) - On the validity of the classical plasma conductivity in capacitive RF discharges
L. Wang, M. Vass, T. Lafleur, Z. Donkó Y. H. Song, J. Schulze
Plasma Sourc. Sci. Technol. 31, 105013 (2022)
(A4) - Frequency coupling in low-pressure dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasmas revisited based on the Boltzmann term analysis
M. Vass, L. Wang, S. Wilczek, T. Lafleur, R. P. Brinkmann, Z. Donkó, J. Schulze
Plasma Sourc. Sci. Technol. 31, 115004 (2022)
(B12) - In-Liquid Plasma for Surface Engineering of Cu Electrodes with Incorporated SiO2 Nanoparticles: From Micro to Nano
P. V. Menezes, M. M. Elnagar, M. Al-Shakran, M. J. Eckl, P. W. Menezes, L. Kibler, Ludwig, T. Jacob
Adv. Funct. Mater. 32, 2107058 (2022)
(B12) - In-Liquid Plasma Modified Nickel Foam: NiOOH/NiFeOOH Active Site Multiplication for Electrocatalytic Alcohol, Aldehyde, and Water Oxidation
J. N. Hausmann, P. V. Menezes, G. Vijaykumar, K. Laun, T. Diemant, I. Zebger, T. Jacob, M. Driess, P. W. Menezes
Adv. Energy Mater. 12, 2202098 (2022)
(B12) - Using auxiliary electrochemical working electrodes as probe during contact glow discharge electrolysis: A proof of concept study
E. Artmann, F. Forschner, T. Jacob, A. K. Engstfeld
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 40, 053005 (2022)
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(A4) - Revisiting the numerical stability/accuracy conditions of explicit PIC/MCC simulations of low-temperature gas discharges
M. Vass, P. Palla, P. Hartmann
Plasma Sourc. Sci. Technol. 31, 064001 (2022)
(B1) - Highly Stable and Reactive Platinum Single Atoms on Oxygen Plasma-Functionalized CeO2 Surfaces: Nanostructuring and Peroxo Effects
W. Wan, J. Geiger, N. Berdunov, M. Lopez Luna, S. W. Chee, N. Daelman, N. López, S. Shaikhutdinov, B. Roldán Cuenya
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 61, e202112640 (2022)
(B1) - Plasma Functionalization of Silica Bilayer Polymorphs
M. J. Prieto, T. Mullan, W. Wan, L. C. Tǎnase, L. De Souza Caldas, S. Shaikhutdinov, J. Sauer, D. Usvyat, T. Schmidt, B. Roldán Cuenya
ACS Appl. Mater. 14, 48609-48618 (2022)
(A5, A7) - Propagation dynamics and interaction of multiple streamers at and above adjacent dielectric pellets in a packed bed plasma reactor
Z. Mujahid, I. Korolov, Y. Liu, T. Mussenbrock, J. Schulze
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 495201 (2022)
(A5, A7) - μs and ns twin surface dielectric barrier discharges operated in air: from electrode erosion to plasma characteristics
T. Nguyen-Smith, A. Böddecker, L. Schücke, N. Bibinov, I. Korolov, Q.-Z. Zhang, T. Mussenbrock, P. Awakowicz, J. Schulze
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31, 035008 (2022)
(A1) - On electric field measurements based on intensity ratio of 1- and 2+ systems of nitrogen in discharges with high specific deposited energy
N. D. Lepikhin, N. A. Popov, S. M. Starikovskaia
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31, 084002 (2022)
(A6, B11) - RF-driven atmospheric-pressure capillary plasma jet in a He/O2 gas mixture: Multi-diagnostic approach to energy transport
T. Winzer, D. Steuer, S. Schüttler, N. Blosczyk, J. Benedikt, J. Golda
J. Appl. Phys. 132, 183301 (2022)
(A6) - Electric field strengths within a micro cavity plasma array measured by Stark shift and splitting of a Helium line pair
S. Dzikowski, D. Steuer, S. Iséni, J. Golda, M. Böke, V. Schulz-von der Gathen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31, 065014 (2022)
(B2, A9, A6, B11) - State enhanced actinometry in the COST microplasma jet
D. Steuer, H. van Impel, A. R. Gibson, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, M. Böke, J. Golda
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31, 10LT01 (2022)
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(A5, A7) - A scalable twin surface dielectric barrier discharge system for pollution remediation at high gas flow rates
A. Böddecker, A. Bodnar, L. Schücke, J. Giesekus, K. Wenselau, R. T. Nguyen-Smith, T. Oppotsch, C. Oberste-Beulmann, M. Muhler, A. R. Gibson, P. Awakowicz
React. Chem. Eng. 7, 2348-2358 (2022)
(B7) - Propagation of nanosecond plasmas in liquids - streamer velocities and streamer lengths
E. Jüngling, K. Grosse, A. von Keudell
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 40, 043003 (2022)
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(A8) - Simulation and modeling of radio-frequency atmospheric pressure plasmas in the non-neutral regime
M. Klich, S. Wilczek, Z. Donkó, R. P. Brinkmann
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31, 045003 (2022)
(A8) - Validation of the smooth step model by particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo collisions simulations
M. Klich, J. Löwer, S. Wilczek, T. Mussenbrock, R. P. Brinkmann
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31, 045014 (2022)
(A7) - Optical absorption spectroscopy of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in a surface dielectric barrier discharge
L. Schücke, A. Bodnar, N. Friedrichs, A. Böddecker, N. Peters, K. Ollegott, C. Oberste-Beulmann, P. Wirth, R. T. Nguyen-Smith, I. Korolov, A. R. Gibson, M. Muhler, P. Awakowicz
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 215205 (2022)
(A4, B2) - The effects of the driving frequencies on micro atmospheric pressure He/N2 plasma jets driven by tailored voltage waveforms
G. Hübner, L. Bischoff, I. Korolov, Z. Donkó, M. Leimkühler, Y. Liu, M. Böke, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, T. Mussenbrock, J. Schulze
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 095204 (2022)
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(B4) - Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) Process—Processing, Properties, and Applications
S. Sikdar, P. V. Menezes, R. Maccione, T. Jacob, P. L. Menezes
Nanomater. 11, 1375 (2021)
(B4) - Structural evolution of a PtRu catalyst in the oxidation of an organic molecule
J. E. Mueller, H. Hoffmannová, T. Hiratoko, P. Krtil, T. Jacob
J. Catal. 398, 89 - 101 (2021)
(B4) - Influence of surface states on the conductance spectra for Co adsorbed on Cu(111)
M. S. Tacca, T. Jacob, E. C. Goldberg
Phys. Rev. B 103, 245419 (2021)
(B4) - Elastic Collision Based Dynamic Partitioning Scheme for Hybrid Simulations
B.Kirchhoff, E. Ö. Jónsson, A. O. Dohn, T. Jacob, H. Jónsson
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 17, 5863–5875 (2021)
() - Electrodeposition of Zinc onto Au(111) and Au(100) from the Ionic Liquid [MPPip][TFSI]
F. M. Schuett, M.-K. Heubach, J. Mayer, M. U. Ceblin, L. A. Kibler, T. Jacob
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 60, 20461 - 20468 (2021)
(B12) - Versatile 3D-Printed Micro-Reference Electrodes for Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Solutions
F. M. Schuett, S. J. Zeller, M. J. Eckl, F. M. Matzik, M.-K. Heubach, T. Geng, J. M. Hermann, M. Uhl, L. A. Kibler, A. K. Engstfeld, T. Jacob
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 60, 22783 - 22790 (2021)
(B12) - Structural Evolution of Pt, Au and Cu Anodes by Electrolysis up to Contact Glow Discharge Electrolysis in Alkaline Electrolytes
E. Artmann, P. V. Menezes, L. Forschner, M. M. Elnagar, L. A. Kibler, T. Jacob, A. K. Engstfeld
ChemPhysChem 22, 2429 - 244 (2021)
(A4) - Non-linear effects and electron heating dynamics in radio-frequency capacitively coupled plasmas with a non-uniform transverse magnetic field
Y. Liu, J. Trieschmann, B. Berger, J. Schulze, T. Mussenbrock
Phys. Plasmas 28, 053505 (2021)
(B1) - Dynamic transformation of cubic copper catalysts during CO2 electroreduction and its impact on catalytic selectivity
P. Grosse, A. Yoon, C. Rettenmaier, A. Herzog, S. W. Chee, B. Roldán Cuenya
Nat. Commun. 12, 6736 (2021)
(B1) - Plasma-assisted oxidation of Cu(100) and Cu(111)
S. Kunze, L. C. Tănase, M. J. Prieto, P. Grosse, F. Scholten, L. de Souza Caldas, D. van Vörden, T. Schmidt, B. Roldán Cuenya
Chem. Sci. 12, 14241-14253 (2021)
(A4) - Electron power absorption in micro atmospheric pressure plasma jets driven by tailored voltage waveforms in He/N2
M. Vass, S. Wilczek, J. Schulze, Z. Donkó
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 30, 105010 (2021)
(A4) - Energy efficiency of voltage waveform tailoring for the generation of excited species in RF plasma jets operated in He/N2mixtures
I. Korolov, Z. Donkó, G. Hübner, Y. Liu, T. Mussenbrock, J. Schulze
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 30, 095013 (2021)
(A2) - Nanosecond resolved ro-vibrational CO2 excitation measurement
Y. Du, Ts. V. Tsankov, D. Luggenhölscher, U. Czarnetzki
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 34LT02 (2021)
Link to repository:
(B8) - Microscale atmospheric pressure plasma jet as a source for plasma-driven biocatalysis
A. Yayci, T. Dirks, F. Kogelheide, M. Alcalde, F. Hollmann, P. Awakowicz, J. E. Bandow
ChemCatChem 12, 5893-5897 (2020)
(A8) - Modelling of a miniature microwave driven nitrogen plasma jet and comparison to measurements
M. Klute, E. Kemaneci, H.-E. Porteanu, W. Heinrich, I. Stefanović, P. Awakowicz, R. P. Brinkmann
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 30, 065014 (2021)
(A8) - Ion dynamics in capacitively coupled argon-xenon discharges
M. Klich, S. Wilczek, J. Janssen, R. P. Brinkmann, T. Mussenbrock, J. Trieschmann
Plasma Source. Sci. Technol. 30, 065019 (2021)
(A4) - Electron heating mode transitions in radio-frequency driven micro atmospheric pressure plasma jets in He/O2: A fluid dynamics approach
Y. Liu, I. Korolov, T. Hemke, L. Bischoff, G. Hübner, J. Schulze, T. Mussenbrock
J. Phys. D 54, 275204 (2021)
(B2, A4) - 2d spatially resolved O atom density profiles in an atmospheric pressure plasma jet: from the active plasma volume to the effluent
D. Steuer, I. Korolov, S. Chur, J. Schulze, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, J. Golda, M. Böke
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 355204 (2021)
Link to repository:
(A5) - Deposition of oxygenated hydrocarbons in a packed-bed plasma reactor during the oxidation of toluene: Influence of applied voltage
M. Zaka-ul-Islam, M. D. Y. Ottef, X. Tu, J. Schulze
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 194007 (2021)
(A5) - Positive and negative streamer propagation in volume dielectric barrier discharges with planar and porous electrodes
Q. Z. Zhang, L. Zhang, D. Z. Yang, J. Schulze, Y. N. Wang, A. Bogaerts
Plasma Process. Polym. 18, e2000234 (2021)
(A4) - Electron transport parameters in CO2: a comparison of two experimental systems and measured data
M. Vass, E. Egüz, A. Chachereau, P. Hartmann, I. Korolov, A. Hösl, D. Bošnjaković, S. Dujko, Z. Donkó, C. Franck
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 035202 (2021)
(B8, B5) - Protection strategies for biocatalytic proteins under plasma treatment
A. Yayci, T. Dirks, F. Kogelheide, M. Alcalde, F. Hollmann, P. Awakowicz, J. E. Bandow
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 035204 (2021)
(B4) - The Effect of pH and Anion Adsorption on Formic Acid Oxidation on Au(111) Electrodes
J. M. Hermann, A. Abdelrahman, T. Jacob, L. A. Kibler
Electrochim. Acta 385, 138279 (2021)
(A4, A5) - Computational study of simultaneous positive and negative streamer propagation in a twin surface dielectric barrier discharge via 2D PIC simulations
Q.Z. Zhang, R.T. Nugyen-Smith, F. Beckfeld, Y. Liu, T. Mussenbrock, P. Awakowicz, J. Schulze
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 30, 075017 (2021)
Link to repository:
(A9, B2, A4, A8) - Zero-dimensional and pseudo-one-dimensional models of atmospheric-pressure plasma jets in binary and ternary mixtures of oxygen and nitrogen with helium background
Y. He, P. Preissing, D. Steuer, M. Klich, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, M. Böke, I. Korolov, J. Schulze, V. Guerra, R. P. Brinkmann, E. Kemaneci
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 30, 105017 (2021)
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(A2) - Time evolution of CO2 ro-vibrational excitation in a nanosecond discharge measured with laser absorption spectroscopy
Y. Du, Ts. V. Tsankov, D. Luggenhölscher, U. Czarnetzki
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 365201 (2021)
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(A2, A1) - Vibrational CARS measurements in a near-atmospheric pressure plasma jet in Nitrogen: II. Analysis
J. Kuhfeld, D. Luggenhölscher, U. Czarnetzki
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 305205 (2021)
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(A1, A2) - Vibrational CARS measurements in a near-atmospheric pressure plasma jet in nitrogen: I. Measurement procedure and results
J. Kuhfeld, N. Lepikhin, D. Luggenhölscher, U. Czarnetzki
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 305204 (2021)
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(A3) - Determining Chemical Reaction Systems in Plasma Catalytic Conversion of Hydrocarbons using Genetic Algorithms
D. Reiser, A. von Keudell, T. Urbanietz
Plasma Chem Plasma Process 41, 793 (2021)
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(A4, B2) - Atomic oxygen generation in atmospheric pressure RF plasma jets driven by tailored voltage waveforms in mixtures of He and O2
I. Korolov, D. Steuer, L. Bischoff, G. Hübner, Y. Liu, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, M. Böke, T. Mussenbrock, J. Schulze
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 125203 (2021)
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(A4, B2) - Micro atmospheric pressure plasma jets excited in He/O2 by voltage waveform tailoring: A study based on a numerical hybrid model and experiments
Y. Liu, I. Korolov, J. Trieschmann, D. Steuer, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, M. Böke, L. Bischoff, G. Hübner, J. Schulze, T. Mussenbrock
Plasma Source. Sci. Technol. 30, 064001 (2021)
(A3, B2, A6) - Dedicated setup to isolate plasma catalysis mechanisms
C. Stewig, T. Urbanietz, L. Chauvet, M. Böke, A. von Keudell
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 134005 (2021)
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(A3, B2) - Oxygen removal from a hydrocarbon containing gas stream by plasma catalysis
T. Urbanietz, C. Stewig, M. Böke, A. von Keudell
Plasma Chem Plasma Process 41, 619 (2021)
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(B5) - Formation and behaviour of plasma spots on the surface of titanium film
P. Hermanns, F. Kogelheide, V. Bracht, S. Ries, F. Krüger, S. Böddeker, N. Bibinov, P. Awakowicz
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 085203 (2021)
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(B5) - Investigation of the frequency dependent spatio-temporal dynamics and controllability of microdischarges in unipolar pulsed plasma electrolytic oxidation
P. Hermanns, S. Boeddeker, V. Bracht, N. Bibinov, G. Grundmeier, P. Awakowicz
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 045205 (2021)
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(B4) - Thermodynamic Description of Interfaces Applying the 2PT Method on ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics Simulations
C. K. Jung, L. Braunwarth, A. Sinyavskiy, T. Jacob
Phys. Rev. B 103, 245419 (2021)
(A7) - Catalyst‐enhanced plasma oxidation of n‐butane over α‐MnO2 in a temperature‐controlled twin surface dielectric barrier discharge reactor
N. Peters, L. Schücke, K. Ollegott, C. Oberste-Beulmann, P. Awakowicz, M. Muhler
Plasma Process. Polym. 18, e2000127 (2021)
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(A1) - Electric field measurements in a He:N2nanosecond pulsed discharge with sub-ns time resolution
N. Lepikhin, D. Luggenhölscher, U. Czarnetzki
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 055201 (2021)
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(B5) - Determination of plasma parameters by spectral line broadening in an electrosurgical argon plasma
B. Hillebrand, E. Iglesias, A. R. Gibson, N. Bibinov, A. Neugebauer, M. Enderle, P. Awakowicz
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29, 125011 (2020)
(A5, A7) - The role of humidity and UV-C emission in the inactivation of B. subtilis spores during atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge treatment
F. Kogelheide, F. Voigt, B. Hillebrand, R. Moeller, F. Fuchs, A. R. Gibson, P. Awakowicz, K. Stapelmann, M. Fiebrandt
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53 295201 (2020)
(A5, A7) - Characterisation of volume and surface dielectric barrier discharges in N2-O2 mixtures using optical emission spectroscopy
F. Kogelheide, B. Offerhaus, N. Bibinov, P. Krajinski, L. Schücke, J. Schulze, K. Stapelmann, P. Awakowicz
Plasma Process. Polym. 17, 1900126 (2020)
(A8) - Electron dynamics in low pressure capacitively coupled radio frequency discharges
S. Wilczek, J. Schulze, R.P. Brinkmann, Z. Donkó, J. Trieschmann, T. Mussenbrock
J. Appl. Phys. 127, 181101 (2020)
(B1) - On the activity/selectivity and phase-stability of thermally-grown copper oxides during the electrocatalytic reduction of CO2
J.-J. Velasco-Vélez, C.-H. Chuang, D. Gao, Q. Zhu, D. Ivanov, H.-S. Jeon, R. Arrigo, R. Mom, E. Stotz, H.-L. Wu, T. Jones, B. Roldán Cuenya Cuenya, A. Knop-Gericke, R. Schlögl
ACS Catalysis 10, 11510-11518 (2020)
(B1) - Operando NRIXS and XAFS Investigation of Segregation Phenomena in Fe-Cu and Fe-Ag nanoparticle catalysts during CO2 electroreduction
S. Kunze, P. Grosse, M. B. Lopez, I. Sinev, Zegkinoglou, H. Mistry, J. Timoshenko, Y. Hu, Zhao, E. Alp, S. W. Chee , B. Roldán Cuenya
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59, 22667 (2020)
(B1) - Growth Dynamics and Processes Governing the Stability of Electrodeposited Size-controlled cubic Cu catalysts
P. Grosse, A. Yoon, C. Rettenmaier, S.W. Chee, B. Roldán Cuenya
J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 26908-26915 (2020)
(B2) - Treating Surfaces with a Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma using the COST-Jet
J. Golda, K. Sgonina, J. Held, J. Benedikt, V. Schulz-von der Gathen
J. Vis. Exp. 165, e61801 (2020)
(B1) - Transition metal-based catalysts for the electrochemical CO2 reduction: from atoms and molecules to nanostructured materials
F. Franco, C. Rettenmaier, H. S. Jeon, B. Roldán Cuenya
Chem. Soc. Rev. 49, 6884-6946 (2020)
(B2) - Reproducibility of 'COST Reference Microplasma Jets'
F. Riedel, J. Golda, J. Held, H. Davis, M. van der Woulde, J. Bredin, K. Niemi, T. Gans, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, D. O'Connell
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29, 095018 (2020)
(B5) - In-situ control of microdischarge characteristics in unipolar pulsed plasma electrolytic oxidation of aluminium
P. Hermanns, S. Boeddeker, V. Bracht, N. Bibinov, P. Awakowicz
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53, 435204 (2020)
(B5) - Anode spots of low current gliding arc plasmatron
S. Boeddeker, V. Bracht, P. Hermanns, S. Groeger, F. Kogelheide, N. Bibinov, P. Awakowicz
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29, 08LT01 (2020)
(A6) - Intra-cavity Dynamics in a Microplasma Channel by Side-on Imagining
S. Kreuznacht, M. Böke, V. Schulz-von der Gathen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 30, 015014 (2021)
(B1) - Linking the Evolution of Catalytic Properties and Structural Changes in Copper-Zinc Nanocatalysts using Operando EXAFS and Neural-Networks
J. Timoshenko, H. S. Jeon, I. Sinev, F. Haase, A. Herzog, B. Roldán Cuenya
Chem. Sci. 11, 3727-3736 (2020)
(A7, A5) - Conversion of volatile organic compounds in a twin surface dielectric barrier discharge
L. Schücke, J. Gembus, N. Peters, F. Kogelheide, R.T. Smith, A. Gibson, J. Schulze, M. Muhler, P. Awakowicz
Plasma Sources Sci.Technol. 29, 114003 (2020)
(B2, A4) - 3-dimensional density distributions of NO in the effluent of the COST Reference MicroplasmaJet operated in He/N2/O2 admixture
P. Preissing, I. Korolov, J. Schulze, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, M. Böke
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29, 125001 (2020)
(A5) - Characterization of a transient spark micro-discharge in nitrogen using simulataneous two-wavelength diagnostics
S. Gröger, M. Fiebrandt, M. Hamme, N. Bibinov, P. Awakowicz
Meas. Sci. Technol. 31, 075501 (2020)
(A4) - Electron swarms parameters in C2H2, C2H4 and C2H6: measurements and kinetic calculations
Z. Donkó, P. Hartmann, I. Korolov, V. Jeges, D. Bošnjaković, S. Dujko
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29, 045009 (2020)
(B7, A6) - Nanosecond pulsed discharges in distilled water - Part II: Line emission and plasma propagation
A. von Keudell, K. Grosse, V. Schulz-von der Gathen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29, 085021 (2020)
(A7) - Catalytic oxidation of small organic molecules by cold plasma in solution in the presence of molecular iron complexes
D. Śmiłowicz, F. Kogelheide, A. L. Schöne, K. Stapelmann, P. Awakowicz, N. Metzler-Nolte
Sci. Rep. 10, 21652 (2020)
Link to repository:
(B8, B4) - Dielectric barrier discharge plasma treatment affects stability, metal ion coordination, and enzyme activity of bacterial superoxide dismutases
M. Krewing, C. K. Jung, E. Dobbelstein, B. Schubert, T. Jacob, J. E. Bandow
Plasma Process. Polym. 17, e2000019 (2020)
(B4) - Controlled Atmosphere Flame Fusion Single Crystal Growth of non-noble fcc, hcp and bcc metals using Copper, Cobalt and Iron
F. M. Schütt, D. Esau, K. Liam Varvaris, S. Gelman, J. Björk, J. Rosen, G. Jerkiewicz, T. Jacob
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59, 13246-13252 (2020)
(B7, A6) - Nanosecond pulsed discharges in distilled water - Part I: Continuum radiation and plasma ignition
K. Grosse, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, A. von Keudell
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29, 095008 (2020)
(B4) - Controlled-Atmosphere Flame Fusion Growth of Nickel Poly-oriented Spherical Single Crystals - Unravelling Decades of Impossibility
D. Esau, F. M. Schütt, K. L. Vavaris, J. Björk, T. Jacob, G. Jerkiewicz
Electrocatalysis 11, 1-13 (2020)
(B4) - Exploring the Structure-Activity Relationship on Platinum Nanoparticles
L. Braunwarth, C. K. Jung, T. Jacob
Topics Catal. 63, 1647 (2020)
(B4) - Simulations of the Oxidation and Degradation of Platinum Electrocatalysts
B. Kirchhoff, L. Braunwarth, C. K. Jung, H. Jonsson, D. Fantauzzi, T. Jacob
Small 16, 1905159 (2020)
(B8) - Plasma-driven Biocatalysis
J. Bandow, A. Yayci, M. Krewing, R. Kourist, A. Gomez Baraibar
International patent WO 2020/007576 A1, 09.01.2020
(B8) - Plasma-driven in situ production of hydrogen peroxide for biocatalysis
A. Yayci, A. Baraibar, M. Krewing, E. Fernandez Fueyo, F. Hollmann, M. Alcalde, R. Kourist, J. Bandow
ChemSusChem 13, 2072 (2020)
(A6) - Modular constructed metal-grid arrays - an alternative to silicon-based microplasma devices for catalytic applications
S. Dzikowski, R. Michaud, H. Böttner, R. Dussart, M. Böke, V. Schulz-von der Gathen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29, 035028 (2020)
(A4, B2) - Helium metastable species generation in atmospheric pressure RF plasma jets driven by tailored voltage waveforms in mixtures of He and N2
I. Korolov, M. Leimkühler, M. Böke, J. Schulze, Z. Donkó, T. Lafleur, S. Wilczek, R.P. Brinkmann V. Schulz-von der Gathen, L. Bischoff, G. Hübner, P. Hartmann, T. Gans, Y. Liu, T. Mussenbrock, J. Schulze
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53, 185201 (2020)
(B2) - Comparison of electron heating and energy loss mechanisms in an RF plasma jet operated in argon and helium
J. Golda, J. Held, V. Schulz-von der Gathen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29, 025014 (2020)
(B7) - Chemistry in Nanosecond plasmas in water
L. Chauvet, C. Nenbangkaeo, K. Grosse, A. von Keudell
Plasma Process. Polym. 17, 201900192 (2020)
(B8) - A dielectric barrier discharge plasma degrades proteins to peptides by cleaving the peptide bond
M. Krewing, B. Schubert, J. E. Bandow
Plasma Chem Plasma Process 40, 685 (2020)
(A3) - Excitation and dissociation of CO2 heavily diluted in noble gas atmospheric pressure plasmas
C. Stewig, S. Schüttler, T. Urbanietz, M. Böke, A. von Keudell
J. Phys. D 53, 125205 (2020)


(B1) - Operando Insights into Nanoparticle Transformations during Catalysis
A. Bergmann, B. Roldán Cuenya
ACS Catalysis 9, 10020-10043 (2019)
(A7) - Study on Chemical Modifications of Glutathione by Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma (Cap) Operated in Air in the Presence of Fe(II) and Fe(III) Complexes
D. Śmiłowicz, F. Kogelheide, K. Stapelmann, P. Awakowicz, N. Metzler-Nolte
Sci. Rep. 9, 1-13 (2019)
(A9) - A numerical analysis of a microwave induced coaxial surface wave discharge fed with a mixture of oxygen and hexamethyldisiloxane for the purpose of deposition
E. Kemaneci, F. Mitschker, J. Benedikt, D. Eremin, P. Awakowicz, R. P. Brinkmann
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 28, 115003 (2019)
(B4) - Grand Canonical ReaxFF Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Catalytic Reactions
C. K. Jung, L. Braunwarth, T. Jacob
Chem. Theory Comput. 15, 5810-5816 (2019)
(B1) - Plasma-modified dendritic Cu catalyst for CO2 electroreduction
F. Scholten, I. Sinev, M. Bernal, B. Roldán Cuenya
ACS Catalysis 9, 5496-5502 (2019)
(A5) - Determination of NO densities in a surface dielectric barrier discharge using optical emission spectroscopy
B. Offerhaus, F. Kogelheide, D. Jalat, N. Bibinov, J. Schulze, K. Stapelmann, P. Awakowicz
J. Phys. Appl. Phys. 126, 193301 (2019)
(B8) - The molecular chaperone Hsp33 is activated by atmospheric-pressure plasma protecting proteins from aggregation
M. Krewing, J. J. Stepanek, C. Cremers, J.-W. Lackmann, B. Schubert, A. Müller, P. Awakowicz, L. Leichert, U. Jakob, J. E. Bandow
J. R. Soc. Interface 16, 20180966 (2019)
(B8) - Plasma-sensitive Escherichia coli mutants reveal plasma resistance mechanisms
M. Krewing, F. Jarzina, T. Dirks, B. Schubert, J. Benedikt, J.-W. Lackmann, J. E. Bandow
J. R. Soc. Interface 16, 20180846 (2019)
(A4) - Experimental observation and simulation of the equilibration of electron swarms in a scanning drift tube
Z. Donkó, P. Hartmann, I. Korolov, V. Jeges, D. Bošnjaković, S. Dujkovic
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 28, 095007 (2019)
(B2, A7) - Dissipated electrical power and electron density in an RF atmospheric pressure helium plasma jet
J. Golda, F. Kogelheide, P. Awakowicz, V. Schulz-von der Gathen
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 28, 095023 (2019)
(B2) - Applications of the COST Plasma Jet: More than a Reference Standard
Y. Gorbanev, J. Golda, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, A. Bogaerts
Plasma 2, 316-327 (2019)
(A5, A7) - Characterization of volume and surface dielectric barrier discharges in N2/O2 mixtures using optical emission spectroscopy
F. Kogelheide, B. Offerhaus, N. Bibinov, P. Krajinski, L. Schücke, J. Schulze, K. Stapelmann, P. Awakowicz
Plasma Process. Polym. 17, e1900126 (2019)
(A4) - Control of electron dynamics, radical and metastable species generation in atmospheric pressure RF plasma jets by Voltage Waveform Tailoring
I. Korolov, Z. Donkó, G. Hübner, L. Bischoff, P. Hartmann, T. Gans, Y. Liu, T. Mussenbrock, J. Schulze
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 28, 094001 (2019)
(A7) - Catalytic Carbon Monoxide Oxidation over Potassium-Dopen Manganese Dioxide Nanoparticles Synthesized by Spray Drying
K. Ollegott, N. Peters, H. Antoni, M. Muhler
Emiss. Control Sci. Technol. 5, 378-391 (2019)
(B7) - Nanosecond plasmas in water: ignition, cavitation and plasma parameters
K. Grosse, J. Held, M. Kai, A. von Keudell
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 28, 085003 (2019)
(B2) - Nitrosylation vs. oxidation - how to modulate cold physical plasmas for biological applications
J. W. Lackmann, G. Bruno, H. Jablonowski, F. Kogelheide, B. Offerhaus, J. Held, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, K. Stapelmann, Th. von Woedtke, K. Wende
PLoS ONE 14, e0216606 (2019)
(A6) - On the validity of neutral gas temperature by emission spectroscopy in micro-discharges close to atmospheric pressure
S Iséni, R Michaud, P Lefaucheux, G. B. Sretenović, V Schulz-von der Gathen, R. Dussart
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 28, 065003 (2019)
(B1) - Rational catalyst and electrolyte design for CO2 electro reduction towards multicarbon products
D. Gao, R. M. Arán-Ais, H. S. Jeon, B. Roldán Cuenya
Nat. Catal. 2, 198-210 (2019)
(A8) - Bridging Child-Langmuir and Warren: Exact and approximate solutions for the unipolar sheath of intermediate pressure
S. Naggary, D. Engel, L. Kroll, R. P. Brinkmann
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 28, 015003 (2019)
(A4) - Disrupting the spatio-temporal symmetry of the electron dynamics in atmospheric pressure plasmas by voltage waveform tailoring
A. Gibson, Z. Donkó, L. Alelyani, L. Bischoff, G. Hübner, J. Bredin, S. Doyle, I. Korolov, K. Niemo, T. Mussenbrock, P. Hartmann, J. Dedrick, J. Schulze, T. Gans, D. O'Connell
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 28, 01LT01 (2019)


(A8) - Disparity between current and voltage driven capacitively coupled radio frequency discharges
S. Wilczek, J. Trieschmann, J. Schulze, Z. Donkó, R. P. Brinkmann, T. Mussenbrock
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 27, 125010 (2018)
(A4, B2) - Experimental and computational investigations of electron dynamics in micro atmospheric pressure radio-frequency plasma jets operated in He/N2 mixtures
L. Bischoff, G. Hübner, I. Korolov, Z. Donkó, P. Hartmann, T. Gans, J. Held, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, Y. Liu, T. Mussenbrock, J. Schulze
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 27, 125009 (2018)
(A4, A5) - Spatio temporal analysis of the electron power absorption in electropositive capacitive RF plasmas based on moments of the Boltzmann equation
J. Schulze, Z. Donkó, T. Lafleur, S. Wilczek, R.P. Brinkmann
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 27, 055010 (2018)
(A3, A6) - Non-equilibrium excitation of CO2 in an atmospheric pressure helium plasma jet
T. Urbanietz, M. Böke, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, A. von Keudell
J. Phys. D 51, 345202 (2018)
(A6) - Direct Current microhollow cathode discharges on silicon devices operating in argon and helium
R. Michaud, V. Felix, A. Stolz, O. Aubry, Ph. Lefaucheux, S. Dzikowski, V. Schulz-von der Gathen, L. Overzet, R. Dussart
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