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GEC in Japan was a success for CRC 1316 students
Bachelor's student Arisa Bodnar from the Ruhr University won the Student Poster Award at this year's APS Gaseous Electronics Conference in Sendai, Japan, with her contribution "Improving the decomposition of polluted air streams using additional metal plates in a dielectric double-surface discharge system with multiple electrodes." In this poster contribution, Arisa investigates surface dielectric barrier discharges (sDBD) that are used to decompose volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from industrial exhaust gases (e.g., chemical plants).
Furthermore, PhD student Tobias Gergs from the Ruhr University Bochum won the GEC Student Award for Excellence at the GEC in Sendai, Japan, with his contribution "Dynamic surface surrogate model trained on atomistic data of AlN sputter depositions".
Sebastian Wilczek, project A5 of the CRC 1316
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New cooperation between project B7 and the Forschungszentrum Jülich
Pulsed plasmas in liquids are intensively investigated in project B7 of the CRC 1316. One possible application of these plasmas is the generation of nanoparticles directly in the liquid. These particles are deposited from the electrode material during the plasma ignition and thus particles of different sizes are generated. Now cooperation with the Forschungszentrum Jülich, a method is to be developed to to produce composite nanoparticles during plasma operation in liquids. For this purpose, the researchers Dr. Katharina Laake and Elia Jüngling from project B7 have travelled to Forschungszentrum Jülich to produce the first prototypes for electrode tips, which will which can later be used to produce composite nanoparticles.
Katharina Laake, project B7 of the CRC 1316
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Chair of Experimental Physics II receives multiple honours at Faculty celebration
The Physics and Astronomy Department's Faculty Celebration is held annually. Here the graduates of the last year are honored. The ceremony if organized by the different chairs of the department. This year, the chair of Experimental Physics II with the Plasma Interface Physics group had the privilege of hosting the event. The celebration was on October 21st 2022 in the large lecture hall of the Department of Physics. This is a good opportunity to introduce the research field and to present the current research topics.
The event was moderated by Maike Kai and Philipp Maaß. Prof. Dr. Achim von Keudell and Prof. Judith Golda presented their research and some plasma physics experiments.
As a highlight, Dr. Katharina Laake (born Grosse) from the B7 project of the CRC 1316 gave a very descriptive and target group-oriented lecture (as award lecture for receiving the dissertation prize of the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation) on the topic "Temporal Evolution of Nanosecond Pulsed Plasmas in Water". The award was presented to her during the event by the Dean of Studies of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Heiko Krabbe.
Afterwards, the lecturers of the faculty were honored. Here, Prof. Dr. Judith Golda received the lecturer award of the student council. The award is given to the most popular lecturer of the last year among the students.
Finally, PD Dr. Tsanko Tsankov from project A2 of CRC 1316 received his habilitation certificate. He accepted his habilitation entitled "Kinetics of Non-Equilibrium Plasmas" at the faculty on November 21st. Congratulations to all!
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Prizes in the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
The Chair of Experimental Physics II is honored to host the faculty celebration of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy.
Maike Kai from the CRC 1316 and Philipp Maaß lead through the event. Moreover, the dissertation award of the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation goes this year to Dr. Katharina Laake.
Finally, Judith Golda (projects A6, B2, and B11) won the prize for the best lecturer of the past semester!
Congratulations to both on these awards!
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Visit of Katharina Laake and Pia-Victoria Pottkämper at IPP in Prague
Pia Pottkämper and Katharina Laake from project B7 (SFB 1316) visited the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences from October 17th-19th. After the previous stay of Petr Bílek from October 12th-13th, they were invited to visit their labs and discuss about recent research of nanosecond pulsed plasmas in liquids. According to that topic, Katharina Laake gave a talk dealing with the “Temporal evolution of nanosecond pulsed plasmas in water” during their stay.
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GEC conference 2022 in Japan
After two years of social distancing and online meetings, 2022 will be known as the year that gave rebirth to on-site conferences. Since the beginning of the year, many conferences have returned, and so has the GEC (gaseous electronics conference). From Monday (Oct 3rd) to Friday (Oct 7th), the international low-temperature plasma community met in Sendai, Japan. As the organizers would not get tired of emphasizing, they were hyped about finally realizing an in-person event again. The community shared this enthusiasm.
Almost six hundred papers were presented to five-hundred-fifty participants- the third most papers within the last ten years- and an attendance comparable to online events. Another notable statistic of the conference is the high count of students. Half of the participants were students, which included Ph.D. students as well as undergrads. With thirty-three contributions, a large group from Bochum and the SFBs attended GEC. Similar to the conference, this group had a dominant share of Ph.D. and undergrad students.
At least four parallel sessions were conducted to fit the numerous contributions into the five days available. Scientific highlights of the conference were the workshops conducted on Monday and the price talks; given on Wednesday. Professor Toshiaki Makabe received the "Will Allis Prize'' to acknowledge his life's work in plasma science, and Professor Masaru Hori received the "Reactive Plasma Award'' for his research. In terms of success, the SFBs, SFB-TR87 and CRC1316, did not fall too short in comparison. Andrew Gibson, Lars Schücke and Jan Trieschmann (former two CRC 1316, latter SFB-TR87) were invited to present their research. Julian Schulze (PI in both CRCs) chaired and organized the GEC, and five people from the consortia were chosen as session chairs.
Moreover, two outstanding performances have to be mentioned. The respective committees priced the oral presentation of Tobias Gergs and the poster presentation of Arisa Bodnar. Tobias Gergs is a member of the SFb-TR87 and got awarded the "Student's Excellence Award". Arisa Bodnar presented her Bachelor thesis, which she did in the frame of the CRC 1316, and received the "Student Poster Price". All in all, the large share of people and their valuable contributions caused the SFBs to impact the conference meaningfully.
The wholesome and successful experience is reflected in the happy faces in the picture above.
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CRC 1316 members joining the International Plasma School
A large group of ten people from the SFB 1316 consortium participated in the 25th International School on Low-Temperature Plasma Physics. To deepen their knowledge of plasma science and technology, the PhD students from Bochum and Ulm attended the plasma school for one week. In addition to lectures, the school's program also included workshops and poster sessions.
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Large CRC1316 participation in the International Plasma School
The 25th edition of the International Plasma School on Low-Temperature Plasmas took place from 1th to 5th October at the Physics Centre in Bad Honnef. Afterwards, the two-day Master Class on electric propulsion has been held. 76 participants from sixteen nations joined this yearly event. The international chair of the Plasma School was in the hands of Prof. Dr. Holger Kersten and Prof. Dr. Jan Benedikt from CAU Kiel.
The extensive program offered various topics to the students: from theory to applied plasma technologies. The lectures (23 from eight nations) were accompanied by a social program that allowed for intensive discussion with the teachers. Every evening there was a question and answer session with the teachers of the day, where an exciting exchange had been held. Hands-on workshops also provided practical experience in the field of spectroscopy.
Moreover, a large number of PhD students from the CRC 1316 and accompanying projects were part of the event this year.
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PSE conference
The PSE conference 2022 was held again in Erfurt in person. The CRC 1316 was represented by Achim von Keudell (projects A3 and B7). He held a plenary talk about diagnostic challenges in HiPIMS. Simon Kreuznacht (Carbon2Chem) gave a talk in the trend workshop 'plasma in gas conversion'. This conference with 550 attendees focus on applications of plasma technology for material processing and modification.